I was happy with the model out of the box, but I am upgrading to brushless and extra lipo batteries Click to see UPGRADE!!!
Here is the Parkzone Ultra Micro P51 Mustang Review with pictures. RTF model with sub micro reciever and servos. It is possible to easily upgrade to a brushless setup! Micro brushless motor and AX 3Amp brushless esc on the way! I will update within the next week the new brushless upgrade. 4.5gram micro brushless motor and 1 gram esc! I should have more thrust than weight with new upgrade and will post flight video asap!!
RTF ready to fly model foam plane
P51 Ultra micro mustang
wingspan: 16.1" or 410mm
length: 13.8" or 352mm
Battery: 3.7volt 120mah single lipoly cell (compatible with Eflite 3.7 lipo's, and others up to 160mah!)
Reciever: 2.4ghz DSM2 AR6400 6 channel ultra micro (features built in brushed esc and 2 servo's) Charger: DC single cell lipoly
Transmitter: parkzone low powered 4 channel with spektrum 2.4ghz dsm2 - YES this can control OTHER BIND AND FLY MODELS!!!
Charger: Lipoly 3.7v compatible with other 3.7 120mah-150><mah lipo's (with same connector). Features a charge/input jack for 6v 1.5Amp max. (use less batteries!, sold seperately)
Steerable tail wheel and full control gives awesome realism on landing and takeoff. It flies great just like a larger sized P51. Barrel rolls, loops and aerobatic flight is possible out of the box. I would get about 4-5 minutes on the included battery. When the wind goes down to 2-4mph with no gusts it's time to fly! Almost anywhere! When the wind is low this is my favorite model to fly, I went all out and got 3 extra lipo's, they're only about a buck or two from certain website's. I have an E-flite 150mah that fits in charger, and 2 other 138mah lipo's that do also. I am upgrading to 4.5g micro brushless and 1g micro esc currently! I AM MORE THAN PLEASED WITH THE STOCK SETUP, FLIGHT CHARACHTERISTICS MATCH LARGER MODELS!
Included are the plane assembled, transmitter 2.4ghz, charger, 3.7v 120mah lipol cell, 8 AA batteries for transmitter and charger, strong velcrow piece's for adding extra lipo batteries (compatible with E-flite BMSR/MCX 150mah 3.7v lipo cell!!), 8AA batteries included also! 4 for the transmitter and 4 for the charger. The charger can also be used with a wall plug adapter (sold seperately) so you dont have to go through batteries as often, this is convenient it takes a 6volt 1.5Amp Maximum input for the charger unit.
Out of the box here it is all together. Awesome looking plane and extremely light, 34.6g or 1.22oz!

Pictures of the ultra micro P51 Mustang from Parkzone. Awesome looking plane and flies even better!

Brushless Upgrade Parts, extra lipo batteries. 1 stock 120mah, 2 Turnigy 138mah, 1 Eflite 150mah. Extra prop and spinner, micro c10 brushless motor, 1 gram micro esc (HK XP3A), micro wiring CLICK TO SEE BRUSHLESS UPGRADE.