My Giant P51 Mustang with a converted Weed Eater FL20. It had a lightened flywheel magneto and pickup, with a cutoff switch connected to the throttle servo.
You can see how I rigged the servo with a wire and spring connected to the magneto so that it would short the ignition on command, to adjust I just bent the spring. The spring is soldered to the wire.
Here's a Kill Switch Diagram, how to connect the wires to the weed eater to kill the engine on command. Connected to the servo, the wire is grounded to the metal plates and soldered to the metal servo rod, the other end is connected to the top connector and wired to the spring, which on fully closed throttle will short the circuit. The engine comes with a cutoff switch already, all I did was rewire it to the servo. While I used the throttle wire to connect it, it caused electrical interferance, you might want to use a separate wire to protect from your radio system.
Here is the engine off the plane, it is ready to install the electronic ignition system. It is very light even with the magneto pickup, but will save a few ounces with the electronic ignition and get more power, while the new ignition will advance the timing automatically and give a large power gain with less weight.

Here is the old setup, with the shaved down flywheel and magneto, I took off about half the plates on the pickup and allot from the flywheel with a grinder, I drilled holes to balance it.
Here's the new electronic ignition system, all I need to do is make a magneto flywheel for the sensor. It didn't come with a magnet so I have to go to radio shack and get a tiny Rare Earth Magnet 1/8" -3/16" will work. I will use our lathe at work to make a specially fit flywheel and propshaft. I got the ignition kit for $30 from There's no instructions or much info for this kit, no magnet either. Im sure it will work perfect once I get the magnet set.
I have now made the electronic ignition flywheel for the magnet. I drilled two holes for the ignition timing pickup, .09" or 2.3mm bit. The small stainless steel screws are .10" or 2.4mm, they self tap into the holes, some blue thread lock holds them in place. I bought a pack from Radio Shack of 3/16" Rare Earth Magnets for the magnetic timing. I drilled a hole in my new aluminum flywheel and pounded it in with a piece of wood, (REM's are brittle dont use metal). I get great spark with a tiny 4.8v nimh battery pack and will start with a single flip with the new upgrade, the ignition advances the timing automatically for more power and RPM!

Giant P51 with custom retracts and flaps, throttle hookup, kill switch, quick fill, charge jack, karbonite and metal gear servo's.
P51 Mustang with custom Flaps that retract out of the wing like a jetliner!